Higley High School
Book Search
Looking for books in the library? Use Higley High School Library Catalog to search all books.
- Select Higley High School from the school list.
- Use the Catalog tab to search the library collection.
- Use Library Search to the entire library collection.
- Use Destiny Discover for electronic books and audioboooks.
Looking for eBooks and audiobooks? Use Destiny Discover to browse and search for electronic titles.
Did you know that you can also access Destiny Discover on your phone? Download the Destiny Discover App.
- Go to the app store on your phone and search for Destiny Discover. It’s available for free for iPhones and Android phones.
- Download the app and once downloaded, search for Higley High School.
- Once you’ve selected Higley High School, you will be prompted to login. Login information should the same as your normal login (first name.last name) and password.