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Academic & Leadership Programs

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader." ~John Quincy Adams

Opportunities for Leadership 9th- 12th Grade 

Gilbert Sister Cities Youth Ambassador Program

This program offers juniors in Gilbert a chance to host an exchange student in their home and travel for free to either China or Northern Ireland. 

Girl's State

The Girls State program provides young women of high school age the opportunity to come together to study state government. It teaches them to understand that they are an integral part of the political process. It helps them realize they have a responsibility to make tomorrow a better time, the world a better place, and that this job is up to them, regardless of religious or political beliefs. It gives them the opportunity to live together under their own government, which is executed entirely by them, and to deal with problems as they arise. 

Boy's State

An interesting "learn by doing" method is used at Boys State. The boys learn about government by actually operating it. They establish a mythical 51st state patterned after Arizona. They elect their own state, county, and city officers from the Governor on down. They set up their legislative assemblies and city councils, they introduce their own bills, organize their own courts and law enforcement agencies; and in other ways, act as self-governing citizens for a full week. Each boy therefore learns for himself that he has responsibilities as a citizen, and that every act of his government has some bearing on his own life.

Governor's Youth Commission

The Governor's Office of Youth, Faith and Family is searching for inspiring youth leaders from Arizona high schools to serve on the Governor's Youth Commission (GYC). Applications are currently being accepted from young people in all of Arizona's fifteen counties.  Apply at