Article I – Name
The name of the council shall be the Higley High School Site Council (HHSSC).
Article II – Mission
HHSSC is a representative group of stakeholders that serve as an advisory council that participates in shared decision making in support of the mission and vision statements of Higley High School (HHS) and the Higley Unified School District (HUSD). The HHSSC will be guided by HUSD Governing Board policies CFD, CFD-E, and CFD-R and any other pertinent HUSD policies.
Article III – Membership
HHSSC will be comprised of 12 members: 3 teachers, 1 support staff, 3 parents, 1 community member, 1 student, and the current HHS principal.
Teachers, support staff, and parents shall be elected by peers and serve two-year terms. Each year, two teachers and two parents shall be elected. Every other year, one support staff shall be elected. Every other year, the principal will seek nominations for the community member representative and select a member from nominations. The student body president will represent students. All elections shall be completed by September 1 each year.
In the event a member leaves the council, previous election results shall guide selection of new member to fulfill remainder of term.
Article IV – Officers
Chairperson and Secretary will be elected yearly at the first HHSSC meeting each year.
Article V – Meetings
Site Council meetings shall be held at least once a quarter when school is in session.
Site Based Council meetings shall be open to the public, and school staff members, parents, students, and community members will be encouraged to attend and to share ideas and concerns with the Site Council. Meetings shall be announced to the public through the HHS newsletter and website.
Each meeting agenda shall be created by the chairperson and principal and posted 24 hours in advance on the HHS website. Minutes for each meeting will be posted on the HHS website within one week of each meeting’s end.
Each meeting shall have the following meeting norms:
- Be an active thinking partner focusing on the improvement and continued success for all students
- Assume positive intent
- Stay focused on the agenda and outcomes
- Respect all member’s time
- Park tangential issues to address in the future
- Attend all meetings and be on time
Meeting Guidelines:
- Approve agenda
- Each action item shall require a motion, and all motions shall require seconding
- A motion to adjourn is in order at any time. Such a motion shall require a second and a majority vote. No discussion is in order.
- A motion to table is in order at any time. Such a motion requires a second and is limited to being considered only once on any given agenda item. No discussion is in order.
- Motions pass with a majority vote
- A minimum of 51% of members must be present to establish a quorum
Article VI – Amendments
Proposals for amendments must be presented at a meeting and voted upon at the next meeting. Approval shall be by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the total membership.
Revised 5/7/2020